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Non profit association providing after school language education for children

19 de febrero, 2014

Buenos Dias, Padres,
In keeping with the concept of love, friendship, and favorite people in our lives, we worked on a practice sheet about family members names. The children needed to circle the picture that corresponded best to the Spanish words for family members.  We always review songs and words and alphabet names and sounds, since practice makes a language more embedded in our brains. We have discovered a larger area in which to play our outdoor games which now include Luz Verde, Luz Roja, El Lobo, Madre, Puedo?, and Shadow Tag and Freeze Tag. They have so much energy that they need the variety of activities in the fresh air. As the weather is nicer, we may do more activities outside. Meanwhile, will you look through your children’s binders and ask them about some of the activities and vocabulary?  We try to have each child get their take home handout every time  and  occasionally they leave without our getting it to them.  We will be having a new spring CD very soon, with new songs.  Hasta miercoles!
Senoras  Lucy y Rocio

12 de febrero, 2014

Buenos Dias, Padres, Love and friendship were main topics and vocabulary leading up to Valentine’s Day. Your children industriously and creatively crafted Valentine’s messages using a variety of materials. They enjoyed outdoor time as well. They also made some valentine cards for friends in the class who were their “secret pals”. At the end of the day we passed out the cards they made, as well as special valentine pencils for each child. We ended late this time, and are sorry for any inconvenience to you. We will have your children ready to go at 2:30. A reminder to everyone: we begin at 1 P.M. and end at 2:30, just in case there are other people who are transporting your child that day. Will you remind them of the class hours? Thanks so much. Hasta miercoles, until Wednesday. Las senoras Lucy y Rocio

5 de febrero, 2014

Hola y Buenos tardes, padres,
“The Gingerbread Man” has long been a well-loved children’s tale with a cute and repetitive song to go with it. Do you remember it?   We are reading the story in Spanish and English! Your kids made gingerbread puppets with tongue depressors and a cut-out and colored little guy. We practiced the Spanish words for parts of the head and face. A fun joke that makes them laugh and know they are smart, is to call out the wrong word for the body or face part.
Two important activities which you can practice at home: names of the parts of the head and face and the little song that accompanies the puppet and his story.
Corre, corre,
Rapido, rapido
No me puedes atrapar
Soy el hombre de pan!
Vocabulary to practice: pelo o cabello ( hair ), ojos ( eyes ), oĆ­dos ( ears ) nariz ( nose ), boca ( mouth ), rodillas ( knees ), piernas ( legs ) and brazos ( arms )!
Announcement: The Migration Festival for Monarch butterflies and other animals is Schedule for this Saturday, February 8, from 11:00 to 4:00 at Natural Bridges State Park.   Weather permitting; it will be a great event for kids and their families.
******VALENTINE’S DAY news******
We will celebrate love, friendship, and family this coming Wednesday, the 12th. Some of your children came home with a little folded slip of paper with a classmates name on it. Your “student” can make a Valentine for that person and chose to make it from a secret pal or sign their name. If you and your child did not receive one to take home or one got lost, please make a Valentine or buy one, if you prefer, and we will help your child sign the name of another who doesn’t have a Valentine made for him yet.  Also, feel free to bring Valentine’s for the entire class of 13, if you like. Here are names: Ava, Caitlyn, Dylan, Kate,  Kenny, Lili,  Mercedes, Mia, Noah, Olivia,  Rylee, Salma, Taylor!  We will spend most of our time talking about the concept of Valentine’s Day and will make surprise Valentine’s for our familiar loved ones.


29 de enero, 2014

Hola, Padres y Chiquitos,                                        
During our last meeting we sang songs we know using common and popular phrases, did work sheets with pictures and words, and practiced the alphabet song. They are getting it!! We also played games with finding alphabet letters. Outside, the children played “LUZ ROJA, LUZ VERDE” and “Madre, Puedo?” They can show you how to play those games.  We have noticed how fond they are of one another, they seem like one big family after being together for awhile now. It is a joy to see their bonding. If you would like, they make bring Valentine’s on Wednesday, the 12th. We do ask that they make them for everyone in the class of 13. We will also be making “surprise Valentines” for family at class that day. I will work on a class list of first names so you know how to address them. They are so much fun to make by hand!  We will be practicing more about family and relatives and phrases of fondness and love. It is the most fun being with your kids! Thank you.
Teacher Lucy and Teacher Rocio