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Non profit association providing after school language education for children

Class of Wednesday March 12

Buenos Dias,

During last class, we talked about "comida", food, and did our worksheets with Spanish food words, a picture, and the English words that correspond. They have brought them home to share with you all.

We practiced saying the words aloud and continue to add to our vocabularies. We sand "Bate, Bate, Chocolate", which is rhymic and fun. 

We reviewed our parts of the body words and played various games using parts of our bodies.

The children played a bit differently outside, in that they were examining nature closely. They were very fascinated with pods, pine needles, bark, and insects. We may build vocabulary on those interests, also.

Have a good week and Hasta miercoles,

Lucy and Rocio

Class of Wednesday March 5

Buenos Dias,

During last class, la clase aprendio ropa, clothing words in Spanish. They had little worksheets, too.

We sang about clothing, body parts, colors, etc.
We continue our review of previous vocabulary themes.
We are using charts to convey the words and objects, as well as worksheets and flash cards.

The children, as always, were full of high spirits outside and enjoyed finger plays and dances also... Remember the "Hokey Pokey".
Have a good week and see you next week.
Lucy and Rocio

26 de febrero, 2014

Hola, Padres,
Our last class was inside on a rainy day. We worked on review songs and the names of the parts of the body. The children, los chiquitos wrote words referring to body parts and decorated their body outlines. We gave them a sheet to copy and we said the words together. We sang Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in Spanish and did the Hokey Pokey inside because the rain was so strong. Our story of the Little Mermaid entranced them. We also looked at the Peruvian and U.S. flags, since Mexico had its Flag Day a few days before our class. They will see it next time. Some children reviewed letters and sounds. When you cannot get here on time because of weather or an accident, please call me on my cell phone so we know what is happening. It is 831-331-6050. I will have it on.  Please re-read the EFMB policy about lateness. Of course, if there are major extenuating circumstances, we understand, but still need to know since we are the responsible parties, not BrookKnoll. Thanks for your cooperation. We have to leave for other commitments after the class, so need to know what is happening so we can arrange things accordingly.  Looking forward to being with your beautiful children this Wednesday.
Warmly, Maestra Lucy y Maestra Rocio.