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Non profit association providing after school language education for children

November 20, 2013

Hola, padres de los chiquitos! Today we had a conversation about what we give thanks for, and the children listed their parents, relatives and friends, and pets, first and foremost. Some children said they are thankful for the earth, la tierra. We sent a paper home that they can add to if you like. By the way, the word for parents is los padres, the word for relatives is los parientes, and la mascota is the word for pet. The children drew pictures of things that they feel grateful for. La lluvia means rain and they were excited about it, but a bit disappointed, that they could not go outside. We listened to music about El Pavo, the turkey, and they have a picture that they can color at home that shows un pavo grande! The day ended with a story told in English and then Spanish about what we are grateful for. Sometimes just hearing a language is helpful, even if every word isn’t understood. So, hearing stories and listening to music in Spanish is a great way to add vocabulary and to accustom the child’s ear to the sounds of Spanish. Have a beautiful “Dia de Accion de Gracias”. We will see each other again on the Wednesday after Thanksgiving. Senora Lucy

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