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Non profit association providing after school language education for children

December 4, 2013

Hola, Padres, Last Wednesday was a fantastic and busy day for your children! They organized their cuadernos, their notebooks, and have a lot of new take-home materials which are all activities we have worked on so far this year. Perhaps some of them will entertain your chiquito during the long holiday break. Speaking of the Break, we only have two more Wednesdays until January. Another exciting milestone for our Spanish class was completing a worksheet with the letters A, M, and P. The children practiced the sounds of these letters in Spanish and learned some new words using just those letters. You will find the sheet in their cuadernos. They can practice Mama, Papa, and ama, as well as mapa with Spanish pronunciation! We will add letters and words in the coming sessions. It is a privilege and pleasure to work and play with your children. Gracias, padres! Lucy