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Non profit association providing after school language education for children

15 de abril

Our families are so important to us and the children loved practicing naming their family members and using Spanish words to identify them: madre, mother, padre, father, hermano/a, brother, sister, abuelo/a, grandmother and father. They know now that "girl" words in Spanish end in "a" and "boy" words end in "o" and we work on that each week. We continue to write word lists in Spanish and work on pronunciation. It is interesting to note that they attack the Spanish words with some of the phonics rules they know from English. Many times this works, when the Spanish is different, I prompt them.

8 de abril

The kids have been learning about "mascotas", or pets and used a work sheet that would help them recognize the words in Spanish for dog, bird, etc. Some of the names for their family pets are very creative and funny! This is a group of children who are very expressive about their feelings and one can see that they love their pets who are part of their family! If you encourage your child to share what is in their cuaderno, or notebook, it will underscore what they are learning.