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Non profit association providing after school language education for children

3 de junio, 2015

Hola, padres,

Our last few weeks of school were busy and happy! We celebrated our "madres" by using words that described our mothers in glowing terms! I hope it was a lovely Mother's Day for all. As we moved closer to Summer, we made lists of things we planned on doing in the Summertime: Voy a la playa, I am going to the beach, Voy a nadar, I am going to swim,etc. It sounds as if the children were going to have wonderful activities. The children learned new words for different animals, including gato and perro. The interest in playing store and learning some words for denominations of money in Spanish continued and they loved it! Our practice of weather expressions continued, along with talking about getting protection from the sun while we colored pictures of wide-brimmed sombreros. Some of the children wanted to count past ten in Spanish. One of the most challenging activities for them was listening to alphabet letter sounds and then matching a word I said in Spanish with the beginning letter sound. They also had fun coloring the letter sheets while working hard on the phonics of Spanish.
when I brought books from the library, they were received enthusiastically. The class had a very special last day of our year with treats of fruit, juice, and cookies and cupcakes provided by our director, Valerie. They spontaneously made flags and some sweet notes for me. The creativity and generosity of the children was touching and impressive, too. We received diplomas for our work during the year and the children were proud. Applause filled the air. I would like to thank you parents and the EFMB program for a special opportunity to work with the wonderful children this year. They have made friendships and formed some trusting bonds.It was always a treat to arrive and be welcomed by the children running towards the classroom and calling my name. We welcome them back next year for the next level of Spanish. Meanwhile, I encourage you to help them review, listen to their CD's, say phrases, look at books from the library that in Spanish or Spanish/English. Remember the four main components of language learning: listening, speaking, writing, reading. Feliz Verano, Happy Summer!!  Senora Lucy

29 de abril, 2015

Our worksheets about our families, our homes, and ourselves in general has been a popular theme. They reflect a pride and connection to their personal worlds. A small addition such as tracing one's hand makes it even more visually personal.

29 de abril, 2015

Earth Day was a good day to talk about Nature, our Earth, and its living things. The children knew about recycling and more. We had vocabulary lists that apply to these concepts. They appreciate flowers, trees, and animals and understand the need to treasure them!

22 de abril

Hola, padres,

We enjoy our time together and have been working on letters and the sounds. We sing the alphabet song and the children always request "Veo, Veo", like "I Spy". That game involves finding an object and telling the children to guess which "purple" object it is! They love guessing and love the ritual of the back of fourth call and response. They should have the copy of the words in their books.

15 de abril

Our families are so important to us and the children loved practicing naming their family members and using Spanish words to identify them: madre, mother, padre, father, hermano/a, brother, sister, abuelo/a, grandmother and father. They know now that "girl" words in Spanish end in "a" and "boy" words end in "o" and we work on that each week. We continue to write word lists in Spanish and work on pronunciation. It is interesting to note that they attack the Spanish words with some of the phonics rules they know from English. Many times this works, when the Spanish is different, I prompt them.

8 de abril

The kids have been learning about "mascotas", or pets and used a work sheet that would help them recognize the words in Spanish for dog, bird, etc. Some of the names for their family pets are very creative and funny! This is a group of children who are very expressive about their feelings and one can see that they love their pets who are part of their family! If you encourage your child to share what is in their cuaderno, or notebook, it will underscore what they are learning.

miercoles, 25 de marzo


We like to review what we have learned. We also love the challenge of learning new groups of vocabulary, such as articles of clothing. We do a variety of activities geared to aiding memorization. The children do well when they see how something new they are learning relates directly to them. Some people find that using Post Its around the house or bedroom using words there children have mentioned or chosen helps make learning fun and available on a daily basis. We are off to Spring Break and have talked a bit about what will happen during the vacation. Happy Spring to all!

miercoles, 18 de marzo, 2015


We are enjoying learning about our communities and the places we go in our daily lives: museums, grocery stores, libraries and more. We play Veo, Veo, Simon Dice, and Manos Arriba. Remember that I have sent home compact discs of Spring songs which we help your kids a great deal when by listening and pairing words with melody and rhythm. We are a great group!


miercoles, 11 de marzo, 2015

  Buenos Dias, Padres,

Spring is such a happy time and the children get excited about making spring blossoming trees with tissue paper for the flowers on their trees!
I share library books with them that relate to our themes of the week. I recommend that you go to the Santa Cruz Public Library online and see the Spanish stories that are available. The bricks and morter location also has a great collection of bilingual books. We are still learning vocabulary lists that the children made of Spring-related words.

miercoles, 4 de marzo, 2015

Queridos Padres,

The children  have been so busy  with practicing alphabet sounds and letters, making necklaces, and writing letters on serious, lined notebook paper. They love making word lists and work very hard in writing and learning the new vocabulary words. We have added a new game called "manos arriba", which is a fun way to reveal what your answer is when asked a question that needs a response in English or Spanish. I want to remind you to reinforce what the children have learned by looking at the notebook. The class is really bonding.

miercoles14 de febrero

Hola, padres,

We now know how to say "I Love You" and we also have mastered "I like"! We can talk about people we love and things we like. We really enjoy talking about our feelings and expressing them to one another by writing little love notes and making Valentine Hearts.  Holidays are fun!

miercoles 7 de febrero

Estimados Padres,

We have learned more about the seasons, although seasons are very different in California. We know how to say: El invierno, La Primavera, El Verano, y el Otono. We know that there are Cuatro Estaciones, Four Seasons. We try to incorporate our numbers in various ways. The wonderful thing about us as children is that we try hard to practice and we have a good ear for the language. We love learning Spanish!!

miercoles, 21 de enero

Queridos Padres,

We have been learning about our favorite foods and meals. We enjoy playing the game "Veo, Veo" and review our expressions from the past: greetings, parts of the body, and our Hello and Goodbye songs. Our group is becoming more relaxed and comfortable with each other. We are very creative children and enjoy using art and language. If we can practice at home with post-its and with our CD's we will reinforce what we have already learned.

Los Chiquitos and Senora Lucy

miercoles 28 de enero, 2015

Estimados Padres,

As a continuation of the theme of the parts of our bodies, we are working on learning some of the words for clothing. The children can do the worksheets and they can also name clothing in Spanish. As always, it is important to reinforce what they are working on, so if you can take a moment to look at your child's work and talk to them about it, that can be very helpful in forming a stronger foundation. I must also comment on the fact that your youngsters are very thoughtful and polite.

Senora Lucy

miercoles, el 21 de enero, 2015

Dear Parents,

We have enjoyed thinking about "comida" " "food", that is, and created platters of some of our favorite foods. The children like to look at the various photos and words in My First Spanish Word Book because they are actual photos of categories, such as foods, clothing, and much more. We talked a bit about foods that are "saludable", "healthy". Given that the weather is really beautiful, we will probably spend a brief period outside playing different games, such as "Pato,Pato, Ganzo", "Duck, Duck, Goose". The group is small, but cohesive, and I see new friendships being formed.

Senora Lucy

miercoles el 14 de enero, 2015

Hola, padres,

Your kids have been very focused since we came began school after the Break. We have been practicing alphabet letter sounds and the numbers up to 20. The impressive thing I have noticed is that they are trying to actually read the Spanish words, and are comfortable with the sounds! We will continue practicing sounds and numbers. This week we may talk about "comida", foods that are good for us. They enjoy their interactive games, so we can continue them. Hopefully, I can trick them when we play "Simon Dice".

Senora Lucy